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Schools across the country have cut most of their after-school programs because of their coronavirus pandemic concerns. This has actually freed up space in these schools for certain extracurricular activities, especially sports and creative arts. As long as the students can maintain a distance of six feet from each other and wear masks, then the activities may be acceptable.

Let’s examine the top six extracurricular activities and sports, which are now safer because of the after-school program cuts.

1) Weightlifting

Weightlifting is a very safe extracurricular activity because the weight machines and free weights can be spread out six feet apart. High school students can spend an hour lifting weights after school while staying distant from other students.

2) Band Practice

Students who play a musical instrument will have more space to learn and practice their skills. They can practice in the gymnasium, cafeteria, or empty classroom that is not being used. Due to the after-school program cuts, students will find that a lot more classrooms are available to use.

3) Running / Track

Track teams can still use the track at their school to run laps. Since none of the runners face each other on the track, there is very little chance of them spreading the coronavirus to each other. The only requirement is that no one can be walking or running in the opposite direction on the track. Everyone must move in the same direction, and it can stay safer.

4) Dodgeball

Dodgeball is the perfect social distancing sport because all the players on both teams are spread out from one another. The players are supposed to stay around their designated spot on the court, so it is easy for them to maintain six feet distance from their teammates.

5) Computer / Tech Club

Nothing is safer than the computer club. Each student stays at their designated computer and performs their work. It is a very safe extracurricular alternative for those students who are not interested in sports.

6) Diving

Regular swimming could be risky if a lot of people are in the swimming pool together. Diving is a safer option because one person dives into the pool at a time. There is no one else in the pool while this takes place, which means it is a much safer pool activity.

Extracurricular Activities and Sports to Avoid

Traditional sporting activities like football, basketball, and wrestling should be avoided because students are required to get close to each other.